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As we move past International Women’s Day, I’d love to share with all of you a philosophy I’ve always agreed with ever since I read it a number of years ago. The Philosophy is called “Seven Philosophies For A Native American Man” and is numbered from most important being 1. Click on this link to read more in depth about the philosophy. 7 Philosophies For A Native American Man

1.To The Women
2.To The Children
3.To The Family
4.To The Community
5.To The Earth
6.To The Creator
7.To Myself

As we show women love and appreciation for their economic, political and social acheivements, we can not forget her ability to reproduce life. The most sacred of all things in life. Bringing new life into this world is quite the task and I have nothing but respect for all those strong mothers out there. Having said that, I’d love to introduce everyone to this strong mother, Jessica.

Before she had her son, Jessica was active, toned, and never had to worry about getting into shape, because she would never allow herself to get out of shape. Well that all changed when she had her beautiful baby boy and like all strong people do, she accepted the challenge. When we started down this road together Jessica was all in and never looked back. This was a total team effort and her attitude, determination and discipline made my job a whole lot easier.

Together we systematically went through The 5 Phases of the Eastern Edge and slowly we sculpted her body back to the way she liked it.






Jessica is a tough mother and my hat goes off to her.  Look at her today!